How to Use popular sovereignty in a Sentence
popular sovereignty
The best response to the appeal of this kind of populism, Pistor suggests, would be a real demonstration of popular sovereignty.
—Adam Tooze, The New York Review of Books, 28 Jan. 2020
Its rulings are not really subject to checks and balances, let alone popular sovereignty.
—Jay Cost, National Review, 9 Oct. 2017
But Douglas drove through popular sovereignty, which said the voters should decide — after all, his argument went, what’s a democracy for?
—Randy Blaser,, 23 May 2018
The picture that emerges is of a man whose deeply and sincerely held belief was that the United States should be understood not as a compact between former colonies, but as a true nation formed by an act of popular sovereignty.
—David Marques, The New Republic, 15 Nov. 2022
Within the context of popular sovereignty, dividing a country’s citizens this way implies that some of them are enemies of the people.
—William A. Galston, WSJ, 16 Mar. 2018
Napoleon’s victory dealt a body blow to a European old regime already tottering from the spread of republicanism and popular sovereignty.
—Nathan Perl-Rosenthal, WSJ, 9 Apr. 2021
The Constitution is just a way of organizing popular sovereignty; the underlying truth is that the people ultimately are in charge.
—Jay Cost, National Review, 11 Sep. 2017
The early history of the parties, then, was partially about securing popular sovereignty.
—Jay Cost, National Review, 17 June 2019
Daily Wire editor in chief Ben Shapiro argued that Walmart had bowed to social justice warriors and trampled on popular sovereignty (even though gun control is quite popular).
—Alex Shephard, The New Republic, 5 Sep. 2019
Critics such as Jonathan Rauch insist that a surfeit of popular sovereignty has tipped the delicate balance of self-governance in the direction of strongman ethnic nationalism.
—Jordan Michael Smith, The New Republic, 12 Aug. 2021
Critics such as Jonathan Rauch insist that a surfeit of popular sovereignty has tipped the delicate balance of self-governance in the direction of strongman ethnic nationalism.
—Jordan Michael Smith, The New Republic, 12 Aug. 2021
There is also the democratic tradition, which at its core holds that matters of great public importance ought to be decided by the people—and that popular sovereignty should control the excesses of both public and private power.
—Ganesh Sitaraman, Wired, 18 Sep. 2020
Granted, back then a jury made up of commoners was seen as the embodiment of democracy and popular sovereignty both in Revolutionary France and America.
—Henning Schroeder, Star Tribune, 8 Mar. 2021
Among them is Abdallah al-Maliki, author of a 2012 book on the religious legitimacy of popular sovereignty.
—Stéphane Lacroix, Washington Post, 5 Oct. 2017
Not all of these obstacles to popular sovereignty are rooted exclusively in economics.
—Eric Levitz, Daily Intelligencer, 23 May 2018
Few better expressions exist of America’s founding principles of popular sovereignty, natural rights, and the separation of Church and state.
—David W. Blight, The Atlantic, 9 Nov. 2019
The upper chamber of Congress was a constitutional compromise between popular sovereignty and state sovereignty.
—Margaret Talbot, The New Yorker, 11 Aug. 2021
Their reaction is a truculent reassertion of popular sovereignty.
—Adam Tooze, The New York Review of Books, 6 June 2019
Otherwise, popular sovereignty collapses under the weight of its own contradictions.
—Cameron Hilditch, National Review, 18 Sep. 2020
In England, and later in the United States, nationalism expressed itself in the development of equality, popular sovereignty and individual freedom.
—Jonathan Allen, NBC News, 5 June 2019
But none are as significant an obstacle to popular sovereignty as the passive suppression inherent to America’s approach to voter registration.
—Eric Levitz, Daily Intelligencer, 6 Apr. 2018
And yet, the idea that increasing economic inequality and sustaining popular sovereignty are incompatible endeavors wasn’t always alien to our politics.
—Eric Levitz, Daily Intelligencer, 2 Nov. 2017
Populism accepts the principles of popular sovereignty and majoritarian democracy.
—William A. Galston, WSJ, 16 Mar. 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'popular sovereignty.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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